Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Obituary Of Juliet

Juliet Capulet, 14 of Verona died January 13th, 1610.
She was born August 8, 1596 in the city of Verona to her parents Lord Capulet and Lord Capulet. Juliet was taken care of by her nurse. A few days before her death Juliet was about to be married to Paris Escalus. Juliet is survived by her wealthy parents lady Capulet and lord Capulet. Also her loving nurse who was kinda like her second mother.

Juliet was one of the most friendly and loving person in Verona. Juliet was on told she looked like a rose because she was flawlessly beautiful.  She was always brighten up someones day, with her kind word. She will be dearly missed in Verona.

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